The X-Files (2001) – Salvage, and Badlaa

These two entries in The X-Files, while solid, failed to engage me as the previous stories of the season, and the series did. It’s not for lack of performances, I just wasn’t captivated by them, and they both seemed to circle around concepts of revenge. Salvage was written by Jeffrey Bell, and first aired on…

The X-Files (2000/2001) – Via Negativa, and Surekill

Agent Doggett (Robert Patrick) takes on a killer who can seemingly murder his victims via dreams, while Scully (Gillian Anderson) undergoes some medical tests – is it her cancer? it it the pregnancy? We don’t know yet. Via Negativa was written by Frank Spotnitz, and first debuted on 17 December, 2000. Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) pairs…

The X-Files (1995) – 2Shy, and The Walk

Jeff Vlaming takes Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) to Cleveland, Ohio to investigate a serial killer that seems to be preying on lonely hearts of a certain body type. Airing on 3 November, 1995, the series introduced us to Virgil Incanto as brought to life by Timothy Carhart. Incanto seems to be preying…

Star Trek: Voyager (1997) – Distant Origin, and Displaced

Captain’s log: stardate unknown Brannon Braga and Joe Menosky pen this smart episode that has a call back to Basics, and also gives us a fun theory about what may have happened sixty five million years ago… We are introduced to a new species called the Voth, who may have evolved from dinosaurs! The episode…

The Dam Busters (1955) – Michael Anderson

As I return to the war genre I plunge into the events of World War II and the creation of a ‘bouncing bomb’ that would help the Allies against the Nazis. The film is based on two books, one by Paul Brickhill about the creation of the weapon, and the other by Guy Gibson about…

The Killing – Final Theories On Rosie’s Killer

  Alright, I’ve been going through theories like a madwoman pretty much since episode one, back when I went with the old X-Files mainstay – TRUST NO ONE. That mantra could actually be applied in this case, as well.  While not everyone is involved in Rosie Larsen’s murder, I’m pretty sure everyone has some dirty…

The Killing – Day 25 – Donnie or Marie

  This show is KILLING me!!!  So so good – every episode has been amazing, and there was so much going on this week that I had a hard time falling asleep after! Let’s just jump right in, shall we? The key card Linden found on the 10th floor belongs to someone in Richmond’s camp. …

The Killing: Season 2 Premiere/Day 15

  One of television’s best written and most intelligent shows is back for a second season, having already begun with its two-hour premiere on AMC this past Sunday night.  So much happened on the finale last season that I had more than a few “oh YEAH” moments during the initial catch-up sequences, but then I…