Magnum P.I. (2020) – Mondays are for Murder, and A Game of Cat and Mouse

Thomas Magnum (Jay Hernandez) and T.C. (Stephen Hill) pose as efficiency experts to investigate a company, but they are actually investigating a murder that took place the previous week when a manager was murdered and everyone in the office is a suspect. Mondays are for Murder was written by Alfredo Barrios Jr. from a story…

Hill Street Blues (1986) – The Best Defense, and Bald Ambition

With the public defenders going on strike, the precinct has to exercise caution in pursuing arrests, as the courts are going to be jammed until the strike is over, and the holding cells will be full. The Best Defense was written by Steve Bello and Robert Ward from a story by Bello, Ward and Jonathan…

Humanoids From The Deep (1980)- Barbara Peeters

A creature feature is the next title that I dive into for DK Canada’s Monsters in the Movies book. I remember seeing this poster when I was growing up, and was intrigued and troubled by it. And being anxious about horror films at that age, I definitely didn’t get around to seeing it for a…

Marvel Studios: Visual Dictionary (2018) – Adam Bray

Hitting book shelves next week from DK Canada is the Marvel Studios: Visual Dictionary that takes us into all the minutiae and details that the casual viewer may never notice in Marvel films, and things that fans have kept an eye out for since the Iron Man first launched in 2008. Adam Bray who has…

Toronto Screenwriting Conference 2013 – Day 2

Saturday was simply an amazing day for Sue and I, being able to attend the TSC. Not only from being able to cover it for the blog, but the amount of note-taking we both did for our own writing was amazing! And amazingly enough there was a whole second day of it today! Arriving back…

Toronto Screenwriting Conference

Sue and I have been extended an invitation to sit in on the Toronto Screenwriting Conference this weekend, and cover it for the blog. To say that we’re both excited about it is a bit of an understatement. We’re close to ecstatic about it. We are going to try and chat to some of the folks…