Death Whisperer (2023) – Taweewat Wantha

I love digging into horror films from around the world, seeing how different directors and cultures dole out their scares, what is frightening to them, and how some things are scary across the board, seemingly tapping into some primal fear. Thailand delivers Death Whisperer, which according to the film’s intro is based loosely on a…

Starman (1986) – Best Buddies, and Secrets

Paul (Robert Hays) begins having dreams, something he hasn’t done before, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg for what is going to happen to he and Scott (Christopher Daniel Barnes) in Best Buddies. Written by Leon Tokatyan, it first aired on 24 October, 1986. As their road trip to find Jenny Hayden continues,…

Mister Magic (2023) – Kiersten White

Kiersten White’s Mister Magic is an unnerving and spooky tale that definitely has a commentary on religion and those who believe. Mister Magic was a radio program, and later a television show that ran until the 90s when the final episode ended in tragedy. It seems a number of people remember the show, and remember…

When Evil Lurks (2023) – Demian Rugna

The Spanish language film, When Evil Lurks, from Argentina, has found its way into my favourite horror films along with Late Night with the Devil. It’s creepy, has some legitimate scares, and a real sense of menace. Two brothers, Pedro (Ezequiel Rodriguez) and Jimi (Demian Salomon), find themselves confronting true evil when they encounter a…

Troll (2022) – Roar Uthaug

Troll is a fun Norwegian monster movie that ticks off a number of boxes for a kaiju movie. While it doesn’t do anything in terms of stretching character development or plot twists (the big one is seen in the trailer, so that doesn’t do the film any good) it does prove to be a bit…

Fringe (2011) – Alone in the World, and Subject 9

As his visual and auditory hallucinations continue, Walter (John Noble) feels like he may be going insane, and even goes so far as to consult Dr. Sumner (William Sadler). At the same time, Olivia (Anna Torv) and Lincoln (Seth Gabel) investigate a strange case that sees two bullies dying, and a lonely boy, Aaron (Evan…

Fringe (2010) – Brown Betty, and Northwest Passage

Peter (Joshua Jackson) is in the wind somewhere, and Walter (John Noble) is attempting to deal with things in his own way, he smokes up on some Brown Betty and gets insanely high. All of this wouldn’t be too bad if Olivia (Anna Torv) didn’t show up with her niece, Ella (Lily Pilblad) in the…

Fringe (2009/2010) – Grey Matters, and Unearthed

The cryogenic heads that were stolen in the previous season are back. Well, one of them is, and it’s reattached to a body, and in the form of Thomas Jerome Newton (Sebastian Roche) is going around removing slices of brain from patients who all, once investigated, seem to have a connection to Walter (John Noble)…

Fringe (2009) – Night of Desirable Objects, and Fracture

Olivia (Anna Torv) is released from the hospital following her car accident, and Peter (Joshua Jackson) finds a case involving missing people that may have connections to Olvia’s own disappearance in Night of Desirable Objects. Written by Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman this episode was first broadcast on 24 September, 2009. Olivia is suffering from…