Horror Hospital (1973) – Anthony Balch

Micheal Gough, known to a whole generation as Alfred Pennyworth in the Batman films, is the mad scientist who terrorizes in Horror Hospital, where I check in to examine the next film in DK Canada’s Monsters in the Movies books. This one is so bad that it’s actually enjoyable. Gough plays the wheel-chair bound, secret-filled…

Doctor Who (Peter Capaldi) – The Witch’s Familiar, and Under the Lake

The Doctor (Capaldi) finds himself confronting a terrible choice when the cliffhanger caused by last week’s episode comes to its resolution in The Witch’s Familiar. Written by Steven Moffat, this episode first premiered on 26 September, 2015. Davros (Julian Bleach) has apparently let the Daleks destroy Clara (Jenna Coleman), Missy (Michelle Gomez) and the TARDIS….

South Park: The Complete Fifth Season

Swear words on prime time, religions, cults, environmentalism, more religion, revenge and eating your parents (so gross and yet so funny)… Over the course of fourteen episodes the small Colorado town of South Park, Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny deal with fourth grade and all the strange things that go with it. Featuring individual commentary…

South Park: The Complete Fourth Season

Boy bands, a haphazard adaptation of Great Expectations that takes a really strange left turn, fat camps, racism, more religion, moving onto the fourth grade – which necessitates new opening credits, and of course some new characters that become just as central to the small mountain town as Stan, Kyle Cartman and Kenny. In a…

Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid (1969) – George Roy Hill

The next stop in the recommendations from the Great Movies – 100 Years of Film book following my screening of The Wild Bunch, is yet another one of my all time favourite westerns, Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid. From it’s opening shots, made to look like an early silent film, this movie took me…

Arrival (2016) – Denis Villeneuve Blu-Ray Review

Anyone who follows this blog knows I am passionate about my science fiction cinema, but that doesn’t mean it’s always good. Therefore when a smart piece of sci-fi film making comes along, I feel I have to champion it, to cheer it on, revel in it, and share it with all who will listen. Villeneuve’s…

Arrival (2016) – Denis Villeneuve

First contact. The interpretation of words. How we communicate both person to person, and mass media. The very perception of our existence. These are all at work in Canadian director Villeneuve’s latest film. A hard science fiction tale that eschews lasers and space battles for deeper concepts like the way we interact and understand one…

Fifteen Dogs (2015) – Andre Alexis

  My Mom picked up this book for me for Xmas, and I dug into it to see what’s the what, and was delighted by the map indicating that not only does the book take place in Toronto, most of it takes place in the area of my neighborhood. I was also surprised by who…

6 Degrees of Hell (2012) – Joe Raffa

  Releasing from Anchor Bay today is this little horror film, that I’m sorry to say, is probably best left unseen. Part advertisement for an actual place, the Hotel of Horror, check it out here, and part, what feels like some poorly written and edited Fox television show from the 90s, 6 Degrees of Hell…