Family Ties (1988) – It Happened One Night, Designing Women, and Truckers

The seventh and final season of Family Ties got underway with It Happened One Night. Written by Marc Lawrence, it debuted on 30 October, 1988. Elyse (Meredith Baxter) and Steven (Micheal Gross) are eager to take the family camping, but outside of Andy (Brian Bonsall) the rest of the family elect to not go. After…

The Equalizer (1988) – The Last Campaign, and Sea of Fire

Stanley Tucci guest stars in the season four opener of The Equalizer as the episode’s baddie, Phillip Wingate, an assemblyman who is intent on blackmailing a senator, Virgil Blake (E.G. Marshall), with something from his past. One of the assemblyman’s staff, Cindy Claussen (Laila Robins) stumbles across Wingate’s plan and reaches out to McCall (Edward…

War of the Worlds (1988) – The Resurrection

Back in 1988, a year after Paramount launched the Enterprise back into space with The Next Generation, they turned to another sci-fi property they owned, with the intentions of bringing it to the small screen in a weekly syndicated series. Serving as a sequel to the classic 1953 film, the series developed by showrunner Greg…

Donnie Darko (2001) – Richard Kelly

The final recommendation from this visit to the Family genre in the Great Movies – 100 Years of Film book is Kelly’s cult film Donnie Darko. While not necessarily suitable for younger viewers, it does involve family and a young troubled boy. This one was one of those films that while I was in the…

Doctor Who (Sylvester McCoy) – Remembrance of the Daleks

Season 25 gets underway this week that sees the return of the Doctor (McCoy) to 76 Totter’s Lane as well as the return of his most nefarious foe, the Daleks! This four part story ran from 5 to 26 October, 1988 and was written by Ben Aaronovitch. The Doctor and Ace (Sophie Aldred) arrive on…