Flames of the Dark Crystal (2019) – J.M. Lee

The fourth and final book of J.M. Lee’s Dark Crystal series, featuring illustrations by Corey Godbey comes to its conclusion this week as I continue my journey with Naia and her friends. Of course, along the way there have been some huge changes from Lee’s story and the new Age of Resistance series, as the…

Tides of the Dark Crystal (2018) – J.M. Lee

The third volume of the Dark Crystal novels continues to interweave with the Netflix series, Age of Resistance, even though some of the details are different. That doesn’t detract from the story, it just another version of the telling, perhaps a song told by Kylan the Gelfling as I join him, Naia, Tavra, Amri of…

Song of the Dark Crystal (2017) – J.M. Lee

The second novel in The Dark Crystal series by J.M. Lee (again featuring illustrations by Cory Godbey) picks up just after the events of the first book, and actually ties in with episode four of The Age of Resistance series on Netflix, though some of the details of characters meeting have changed since the novel…

Shadows of the Dark Crystal (2016) – J.M. Lee

I remember being delighted the first time I saw The Dark Crystal in 1982, I even had a movie calendar from Burger King (for 1983) that had one of its months dedicated to the Jim Henson creation. The world (I didn’t know at the time that it was called Thra) appealed to me, and despite…

Horrorstor (2014) – Grady Hendrix

Grady Hendrix has quickly become one of my favorite writers, his ability to balance real and comedic moments with truly terrifying scares. So, when I came across his first novel, Horrorstor, I was delighted and snapped it right up, and couldn’t wait to dig into it. It did not disappoint. Finding that perfect balance between…

Solo: A Star Wars Story – The Official Guide (2018) – Pablo Hidalgo

As a Star Wars fan, hell, as a pop culture fan, DK Canada gets me. Their constantly growing library of books, no matter what the subject, are always fun, informative, filled with trivia, gorgeous photos and illustrations, and always seem to be designed to give us a closer look at the subject matter. The official…

Return to Oz (1985) – Walter Murch

It’s time to go back to Oz, with Disney’s 1985 film Return to Oz, which serves to combine two of the original Frank L. Baum novels, The Marvellous Land of Oz, and of Ozma of Oz. And that magical land is the next stop in the DK Canada’s tome, The Movie Book. They recommend the…

A Monster Calls (2011) – Patrick Ness

It’s been a long time since a book has reduced me to tears, but Ness’ powerful, and beautiful young adult books, A Monster Calls has done just that. Inspired by an idea from Siobhan Dowd who passed before she could tell it herself, the story is a singular experience that is heartbreaking in its truth…