The X-Files (1994) – Lazarus, and Young at Heart

Trouble finds its way into Scully’s (Gillian Anderson) life again this week in Lazarus. Written by Alex Gansa and Howard Gordon, it first aired on 4 February, 1994. Scully is working a bank robbery job with another agent, and former boyfriend, Agent Jack Willis (Christopher Allport). When the arrest goes wrong and both the suspect…

Hell Comes To Frogtown (1988) – Donald G. Jackson, and R.J. Kizer

DK Canada’s Monsters in the Movies brings me to the end of their chapter on Atomic Mutations with this delightful and so bad it’s enjoyable film starring Roddy Pipper, Sandahl Bergman and William Smith… Hell Comes to Frogtown. A decade after humanity has been almost completely wiped out after a planet shattering nuclear war, a…