Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) – Serene Squall, and The Elysian Kingdom

Serene Squall lets the Enterprise crew have some fun as pirates take over their ship, and they inspire a mutiny to free themselves, but it also has ties not only to The Original Series, but to Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, tying those narrative threads together to make a cohesive tapestry. Written by Beau…

Call of the Wraith (2018) – Kevin Sands

Simon & Schuster Canada keeps the adventure coming with the fourth book in The Blackthorn Key series by Kevin Sands. You can collect them individually, or in a gorgeous six book hardcover collection. In book four picking up shortly after the previous story, Christopher wakes up, not knowing where he is, or more importantly, he…

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1981) – Time of the Hawk

So the retooled Buck Rogers launched on 15 January, 1981, with a two hour premiere that was written by Norman Hudis. Fans at the time, and anyone rewatching the series, like me, must have been scratching their head over the nonsensical changes that had been forced onto the series, even as it tried to shoehorn…

Star Trek: Enterprise (2003) – The Xindi, and Anomaly

Captain’s log: date unknown The serialised Xindi story line that was initiated by the second season finale gets truly underway this week with the launch of season three of Star Trek: Enterprise. The season opener, written by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga debuted on 10 September, 2003. The Enterprise has been in the Delphic Expanse…

Star Trek: Voyager (1997) – Concerning Flight, and Mortal Coil

Captain’s log: stardate 51386.4 Joe Menosky pens this episode from a story by Jimmy Diggs and Menosky. It first aired on 26 November, 1997. Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) gets to take the stage, joined by the ship’s holographic version of da Vince (John Rhys-Davies) when a group of pirates steal the Voyager’s computer core, and…