Batman (1966) – The Joker is Wild, and Batman is Riled

Robert Dozier pens this week’s episode that introduced Joker (Cesar Romero) to viewers on 26 January, 1966. Joker literally springs himself from Gotham Prison and is intent on turning to his life of crime forthwith, unfortunately, he didn’t count (again) on the alter egos of Bruce Wayne (Adam West) and Dick Grayson (Burt Ward)… Batman…

The Music Box (1932) – James Parrott

Philip Kemp’s Movies book leaps a little forward in time to bring me a comedic short starring that iconic pair, Stan Laurel, and Oliver Hardy. In this half hour short, the pair struggle to deliver a piano up a the most imposing flight of stairs I’ve seen since those featured in The Exorcist. Something that…

The Pianist (2002) – Roman Polanski

The next recommendation from the Great Movies – 100 Years of Film book following my screening of Schindler’s List is this film, based on the autobiography of Wladyslaw Spillman. The film sees Adrien Brody taking on the role, and going home with the Oscar for Best Actor because of it. Too right too, considering his…

An American in Paris (1951) – Vincente Minnelli

  Gene Kelly singing and dancing to the music of George and Ira Gershwin, sounds perfect and entertaining. And this Best Picture winner is definitely entertaining, and my next recommendation from the Great Movies – 100 Years of Film book for my screening of Singin’ in the Rain. I feel bad, because I know this…

A Day At The Races (1937) – Sam Wood

  The recommendations for A Night At The Opera come to a close with this last film, giving Groucho, Harpo and Chico one more opportunity to gallivant across the screen and make me laugh. This time out, Zeppo is left out, and the boys bring their wacky antics to a dualĀ problem, a sanitarium and a…

Animal Crackers (1930) – Victor Heerman

  Great Movies – 100 Years of Film are letting me settle into some fantastic Marx Brothers films with their recommendations following A Night At The Opera. This time around the boys are at a weekend party celebrating the return of Captain Spaulding (Groucho) from his questionable travels in Africa (“One morning I shot an…