The Crow (1994) – 4K

There are some films that leave an indelible mark on the viewer, The Crow had that effect on me. It stayed with me and whenever I revisit it, I’m reminded again of it’s power, it’s visual style, and it’s legacy. And now, thanks to Paramount Pictures, The Crow gets the 4K touch and Alex Proyas’…

Family Ties (1987) – A, My Name is Alex, and ‘D’ is for Date

Michael J. Fox gets to really show his range in A, My Name is Alex. A special hour-long episode that was first broadcast on 12 March, 1987. It was written by Alan Uger and series creator Gary David Goldberg. Alex (Keaton) isn’t dealing well with the death of his friend Greg (Brian McNamara). With a…

Avatar: The Last Airbender – Book 2: Earth (2006) – The Secret of the Fire Nation (The Serpent’s Pass, and The Drill), and City of Walls and Secrets

The Serpent’s Pass, and the series’ following episode, The Drill were initially aired back to back as a Nickelodeon Special called The Secret of the Fire Nation. The first episode, The Serpent’s Pass, was written by Joshua Hamilton and one of the series creators’ Michael Dante DiMartino. This and the following episode first aired on…

Family Ties (1985) – My Tutor, Mr. Right, and Just One Look

River Phoenix guest stars in My Tutor. Written by Jace Richdale, it first debuted on 14 November, 1985. Alex (Micheal J. Fox) is having trouble with advanced geometry (he’s gone from 90% to 89%) and he’s hired a tutor to help him out. Enter thirteen-year-old Eugene (Phoneix), a mathematical genius, who works to help Alex…

Family Ties (1985) – Remembrances of Things Past

Season three of Family Ties ended with an hour-long episode that was broadcast on 28 March, 1985 and was written by series creator Gary David Goldberg and Alan Uger. Steven (Michael Gross) gathers the family up to head to his family home to help his mother, May (Anne Seymour) sell the house. It also forces…