Family Ties (1987) – The Last of the Red Hot Psychologists, and Dear Mallory

Season Six gets underway with an hour-long opener that first aired on 13 September, 1987 and was written by Marc Lawrence. Everyone is headed to school, little Andy (Brian Bonsall) is off to kindergarten, Jennifer (Tina Yothers) continues her high school, and Mallory (Justine Bateman) and Alex (Micheal J. Fox) continue their college studies. As…

Family Ties (1987) – It’s My Party: Part 1, and Part 2

Strangely enough the final episodes of season five, were produced during the fourth season, and the cast and the story reflect that. Andy is not played by Brian Bonsall, but us an actual baby, and look, everyone, Ellen (Tracy Pollan) is here! Broken into two episodes, the first was broadcast on 6 August, 1987 and…

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1994) – Firstborn, and Bloodlines

Captain’s log: stardate 47779.4 Rene Echevarria writes the teleplay for this episode from a story by Mark Kalbfeld and it first aired on 25 April, 1994. This is a Worf (Micheal Dorn) and Alexander (Brian Bonsall) story that sees the pair attending a Klingon ceremony where Worf is advised to encourage his son to become…