Star Trek: Picard (2023) – Dominion, and Surrender

Things are getting intense as we race towards the series finale. Dominion ups the stakes again. Written by Jane Maggs, it debuted on 30 March, 2023.

Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Crusher (Gates McFadden) learn some shocking truths about these new Changelings (augmented and developed by Starfleet under Project Proteus), especially Vadic (Amanda Plummer) as they seek to find Riker (Jonathan Frakes). Seven (Jeri Ryan) even reaches out to what she thinks is an old friend, Tuvok (Tim Russ) for help, only to be given a horrifying truth.

But Picard after chatting with Crusher and Jack (Ed Speleers) may have a way to outmaneuver Vadic, who is apparently only a cog in the machine, as we learn that the Changelings aren’t running the show, someone else is.

They draw Vadic and her team aboard the Titan, but when the internal struggle between Data/Lore (Brent Spiner) allows Lore to take over the ship, it shifts the balance of the struggle and Vadic is able to seize control of the Titan and hints at the concept that Jack isn’t all he appears to be.

This is something we’ve seen in action, as he is able to hear Sidney’s (Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut) thoughts, and in one sequence, guide her physical movements.

Who is Jack? Will Riker and Deanna (Marina Siritis) be rescued? What is the plan for Frontier Day and why did the plan necessitate the use of a Changeling Picard? Who is pulling the strings, and where will it all end?

It’s a great episode as the characters struggle with their morals, ethics, and the weight of their decisions even as the physical battles continue.

Surrender delivers a number of emotional punches. Written by Matthew Okumara, it debuted on 6 April, 2023.

Riker and Deanna are able to talk out their issues while held captive on the Shrike, before being rescued by Worf (Micheal Dorn) and Raffi (Michelle Hurd) in a cloaked shuttle.

Vadic begins executing Titan’s bridge crew in order to drive Jack to her, and Data/Lore fight for control of themselves while everything hangs in the balance.

Plans are put into play, the ship is ultimately retaken, Vadic is vanquished, and it’s such a great joyous release when Seven is able to destroy the Shrike, though Shaw (Todd Stashwick) still doesn’t treat her with the respect she deserves, or by her chosen name.

There is a beautiful moment when the entire Next Gen crew is reunited around a conference table, and it’s so touching to see the characters interacting with one another again. But they still have to figure out what is going on. Why have portions of Picard’s brain been removed from his physical body? They were supposed to be the parts carrying what was thought to be Irumodic Syndrome, but we know now it’s something else.

And Vadic knew that Jack could reach out and take over people. So there’s a logical explanation, and it no doubt lies behind the red door of Jack’s mind, which Deanna is asking him to finally open, and look behind.

So many great beats, so many payoffs, and nods. Hard to believe we are about to leave Picard and the rest behind, only two episodes to go!

Next time I continue my exploration of The Picard Legacy Collection, a limited edition boxed set available now from Paramount! Boldly go.

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