Happy Birthday to The Mind Reels!!


It has been two years since our inaugral post. Even now, Sue and I look at each other, completely baffled, wondering how we got here?!

We’ve seen and done some amazing things this past year, have chatted to some brilliant folks, made some incredible new friends, and have continued to pursue our love of film, television and books.

If you had told me two years ago that I would be writing a daily blog, interviewing people I admire, visiting sets, and getting to interact with people all over the world who share that same passion, I wouldn’t have believed you.

This year has been stunning for Sue and I, we’ve visited the sets of Bomb Girls, and Murdoch Mysteries (that one will be posted in a few short weeks), we’ve covered film festivals internationally, we’ve been to charity events and conventions. We’ve made friends and acquaintances all over the industry,


For all that, Sue and I have never lost sight of the fact that we’ve been incredibly fortunate to be given the ride we’re on. We work hard at what we do, we have fun with it, and we like to share that sense and love of fun with everyone we meet.

We also refuse to rest on our laurels, because we certainly haven’t gone as far with this as we can, or plan to. There are changes coming at Smithee, with talk of airing our show ‘Live!’ Something that is alternately thrilling and frightening! We’re always seeking to expand the canvas of our interests, and plan to keep bringing that to the show and our blog.

We know that we wouldn’t be where we are without the support you have all shown us, by reading our posts, watching our show on Smithee.TV, sharing our tweets.

Thank you one and all, for those friends we’ve made the world over, those who are part of the industries we write about, and those who are fans of them just as we are.

The next few weeks have some amazing things coming our way, and we can’t way to share them with you, Shortly, we’ll be posting about our visit to Murdoch Mysteries, as well as other amazing opportunities that are being afforded to us.

So today, we just wanted to thank all of you for reading our blog, watching our show, and letting us into your lives.

Happy Birthday to The Mind Reels, and to paraphrase one of my favorite movies… The Adventure Is Just Beginning.


2 Comments Add yours

  1. smellycat says:

    I have big chills reading that ! Im so happy and proud of you guys !
    And Thanks to YOU, for all the work you do and share with so much passion ! eading your blog, watching your videos, interviews, I always or having great time, or learning things, or the both in same time 🙂
    Thank you guys, and that the success continue !!

    xo Always ox

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