Star Trek: Picard (2023) – Seventeen Seconds, and No Win Scenario

The stress of the situation doesn’t let up for a second in the third episode of Picard’s final season, Seventeen Seconds. Written by Jane Maggs and Cindy Appel, it was directed by Jonathan Frakes and was first broadcast on 2 March, 2023. As Vadic (Amanda Plummer) and the Shrike continue to stalk the Titan (injuring…

Star Trek: Picard (2023) – The Next Generation, and Disengage

Terry Matalas takes over as showrunner for season three of Picard and his season opener is a gorgeous blend of easter eggs, characters, stories, familiar music cues, and a bold new adventure. The first episode of the final season, The Next Generation, first aired on 16 February, 2023. Picard (Patrick Stewart) receives a coded message…