The One (2001) – James Wong

Sci-fi fans know the name James Wong from his work on The X-Files, and Space: Above and Beyond, and eagle-eyed fans will recognize more than a few faces as Wong delivers this sci-fi actioner that he shot in Vancouver. Trotting out the idea of the multiverse several years before the MCU made it mainstream, he…

Deadpool (2016) – Tim Miller

Ryan Reynolds was made for the role of Deadpool, the Marvel meta-merc. His appearance as the character in Wolverine: Origins was horrible, and this is nothing but redeeming, and insanely funny. While the film is an origin story, showing how Wade Wilson (Reynolds) became Deadpool, it also knows to make fun of itself and origin…

The Marvels (2023) – Nia DaCosta

Superhero fatigue is real. We seem to be so inundated with comic book stories now, they’re everywhere, films, television series, video games and actual comic books. Disney has gone to town building and expanding their MCU and even as the series and movies keep coming it’s been hard to get excited about new entries because…

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2011) – Mark Neveldine, and Brian Taylor

Johnny Blaze (Nicholas Cage) returns in the Marvel property, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, and if you thought the first film was a little haphazard, you haven’t seen anything yet. Cage is a little more unhinged in this outing, and despite offering Peter Fonda a chance to reprise his role of Mephistopheles, the legendary actor…

The Punisher (2004) – Jonathan Hensleigh

2004’s take on The Punisher was a huge step up from the 1989 film, though it changed the locale from New York to Florida. It also boasted an incredibly recognizable cast led by Thomas Jane. It included John Travolta, Will Patton, Roy Scheider, Samantha Mathis, Rebecca Romijn, Ben Foster, Laura Harring, The film delivers an…

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) – Jon Watts

Tom Holland’s appearance as Spider-Man in the MCU entry Captain America: Civil War introduced the new webhead to millions of immediate fans. Combining a youthful exuberance, and actual nerd cred, Holland’s Peter Parker rings true to the comics, even as this incarnation introduces unique spins on familiar characters like Aunt May played this time around…

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) – Peyton Reed

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the time for mourning is over. Phase 5 begins with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and launches it with a sense of fun, family, and a reminder that despite our affection and connection to these characters, it’s still just a romp. And who better to lead us in some fun…

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) – Ryan Coogler

The MCU’s newest entry, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, is Ryan Coogler’s follow-up to his 2018 entry, Black Panther, which launched its star, Chadwick Boseman, to the status of beloved icon. Taken from us far too soon, Wakanda Forever is about the characters processing the loss of their king, T’Challa as much as it is about…

Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) – Taika Waititi

The latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is arguably its most absurd. That doesn’t mean it’s not fun, and that the actors aren’t having a great time, but there are a number of tonal shifts in the narrative that leaves the film feeling a little unbalanced. But that may be because of the storyteller….

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) – Sam Raimi

Sam Raimi returns to the superhero genre and tinges it with his sense of horror with Marvel’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Benedict Cumberbatch returns as the titular Strange as well as multiple versions of the famed sorcerer as he confronts a danger that threatens the whole of the multiverse. Raimi brings his…