The Tunnel (2011) – Carlo Ledesma

Something is going on in the tunnels under Sydney, and it’s terrifying. Found footage films for me, like most, can be hit or miss, but I’m willing to give a little leeway for something of them. The Tunnel definitely earned that grace from me. I enjoyed this one, it’s enjoyable, and was produced in an…

Episode Thirteen (2023) – Craig DiLouie

Orbit Books brings me my first real creepy novel of 2023, Episode Thirteen. Using the familiar structure of the found footage genre, something that has been co-opted successfully for all of the ghost-hunting shows that seem to plague reality television, DiLouie compiles a literary found footage film, offering up video transcripts, EVP recordings, text messages,…

Cloverfield (2008) – 15th Anniversary 4K

I remember seeing Cloverfield opening weekend in the theatre. I was very excited to dig into a monster movie that saw a kaiju trampling New York City, and I loved that it was being told from the viewpoints of a group of survivors who recorded everything with their videocamera. Unfortunately, I forgot my previous experience…

The Last Broadcast (1998) – Stefan Avalos, and Lance Weiler

The year before The Blair Witch Project came along and revitalized and re-created the found footage genre, The Last Broadcast told a similar tale of murder, mystery, and possibly the supernatural. And while I have some serious issues with the format change at the film’s climax, not to mention some of the less-than-stellar performances, I…

Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire (2019) – Stephen Cognetti

Found footage can be hit or miss. To attempt a trilogy what works solely with that sub-genre is pretty ambitious, and I think, for the most part, writer/director Stephen Cognetti pulls it off. And if you watch all three films in close succession, as I have, they flow a lot better, and he wraps everything…

Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel (2018) – Stephen Cognetti

Y’know what? I’m not gonna lie. I had a pretty good time with the first film, Hell House LLC, so I figured I would dive into the sequels – I mean it’s the same writer/director through all of them, so we know that no matter how they play out, this is Cognetti’s story the whole…

Hell House LLC (2015) – Stephen Cognetti

The found footage sub-genre of the horror realm can be hit or miss. You not only have to be willing to be swept up into the tale, and the reality it presents, it also has to be engaging enough to keep the viewer involved. Therefore it has to have an interesting story, and at the…