Star Trek: Picard (2023) – Vox, and The Last Generation

Showrunner Terry Matalas slips into the director’s chair to give us a powerful penultimate episode, Vox. Written by Sean Tretta and Kiley Rossetter, this episode was first broadcast on 13 April, 2023. Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the rest learn that the symptoms of Irumodic Syndrome were simply a side effect of what was really wrong…

Star Trek: Picard (2023) – Dominion, and Surrender

Things are getting intense as we race towards the series finale. Dominion ups the stakes again. Written by Jane Maggs, it debuted on 30 March, 2023. Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Crusher (Gates McFadden) learn some shocking truths about these new Changelings (augmented and developed by Starfleet under Project Proteus), especially Vadic (Amanda Plummer) as they…

Star Trek: Picard (2023) – The Next Generation, and Disengage

Terry Matalas takes over as showrunner for season three of Picard and his season opener is a gorgeous blend of easter eggs, characters, stories, familiar music cues, and a bold new adventure. The first episode of the final season, The Next Generation, first aired on 16 February, 2023. Picard (Patrick Stewart) receives a coded message…