Drive (2011) – Nicolas Winding Refn

It’s taken me a while to get around to watching Ryan Gosling in Drive, I’m not sure what was holding me back, but I finally settled into this one, and I have to admit, I really dug it. First off, let’s mention the cast that surrounds Gosling in this film, there’s not an actor that…

Jeepers Creepers (2001) – Victor Salva

Back in 2001, I was still working in a video store, and I would take home all the new releases before they came out so I could watch them, and, according to the business model of the store, make recommendations. I enjoy my horror movies, and was intrigued by the idea of this one when…

The Two Sisters of Borneo (2014) – Ian Hamilton 

  Book 6 in this highly addictive series starts fairly joyfully for our heroine Ava Lee, debt-collector and forensic accountant. She is attending the wedding of her half-brother Michael to Amanda Yee. But, as so happens in her world, moments of happiness come few and far between when there is a case heading her way. It…

Vanishing Point (1971) – Richard C. Sarafian

  The first recommended title for my screening of Easy Rider from the Great Movies – 100 Years of Film book is this road movie that doesn’t let up until the credits roll. Barry Newman is Kowalski, an ex-cop, a believer in right and wrong, and the freedom that was the American dream that seems…