Family Ties (1988) – Beyond Therapy, and Heartstrings: Part I, and Part II

Mallory (Justine Bateman) is toying with tarot cards, but this is very much an Alex (Micheal J. Fox) and Lauren (Courtney Cox) episode. Written by Katie Ford this episode was first broadcast on 27 November, 1988.

Lauren and Alex are having problems communicating on an emotional level, and while they both love each other, she feels they don’t share enough emotionally. To work on their relationship Lauren insists on going to group therapy, and Alex can’t hack it. It could have been one of the guest stars, Stephen Baldwin!

But in actuality, she just wants him to open up to her and share more with her. So Alex dives into research but is he being authentic or just reciting a lot of psychology that he’s read? But as the sessions progress Lauren has to examine some of her emotions as well.

The pair have to confront their emotions, their interactions, and eventually come to a better understanding of one another, and while it may not be the best relationship, they’ll still have to work on it, but it’s them and they love one another. Alex, truly does open up to Lauren at the episode’s finale, and the story demonstrates the importance of communicating with one another and letting people in.

Heartstrings: Part I sees the series tackling age and health as Steven (Micheal Gross) suffers a heart attack after a run and ends up in the hospital where they confer with other patients and relatives and ruminate about mortality.

Written by Alan Uger this episode was first broadcast on 4 December, 1988.

While Steven waits for his operation, Elyse (Meredith Baxter) has to deal with the rest of the family, Andy (Brian Bonsall) seems to be handling it the best. Mallory, Alex and Jennifer (Tina Yothers) have an important talk about health and statistics, and while there are some funny moments, the episode is quite honest in its representation of the importance of health.

It also lets the characters face their own mortality. Steven is really scared and worried about going in for the surgery, Elyse doesn’t want to face the possibility of losing him, and the kids are worried about their own health and what the loss of their father would mean to them.

As the anesthetic begins to kick in, Steven recalls a special moment with Elyse when they were young, were getting ready for the Peace Corps and he proposed. The episode ends with the doctor worrying about something that has gone wrong in the surgery, and that Steven may die on the table!!

And hey look! Steven’s doctor is played by the very familiar face of Philip Baker Hall.

Heartstrings: Part II aired on 11 December, 1988 and was also written by Uger.

While Doctor Harrison works to save Steven’s life, the family remains in the waiting room. Lauren joins the group, and one of the other people in the waiting room, is Christina Pickles, who would later go on to play Cox’s mother on Friends.

Alex is having a tough time confronting his feelings about the situation, and he recalls the time when he and Steven received news of the death of Steven’s father from a heart attack.

Elyse is near a breaking point, and she and Alex share a wonderful scene as they both confront their fear and emotions about what is happening in the operation room.

The episode culminates with another flashback to young Steven (Michael David Wright) and Elyse (Margaret Marx) and how things will have to change when they get him. As the episode closes out, the Keatons learn that Steven needs a quadruple bypass, so looks like we’ll have to wait until next week to take Steven home.

And hey! Both Fox and Scott Valentine have gotten haircuts since Beyond Therapy.

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