Magnum P.I. (2022) – If I Should Die Before I Wake, and Angels Sometimes Kill

Jin (Bobby Lee) decides to get into dog walking, but then when Higgins (Perdita Weeks) allows him to look after the lads, he feeds them chocolate and makes them sick, and of course, things go sideways at the animal hospital when armed criminals show up to have one of their injured crew seen to be the vet.

La Mariana is hosting a talent show, and Suzy (Betsy Phillips) wants to have a FaceTime session with Rick (Zachary Knighton) and has some big news in If I Should Die Before I Wake. Written by Gene Hong and Andre Jackson, this episode was first broadcast on 14 January, 2022.

Magnum (Jay Hernandez) and Higgins are hired by a nun, Sister Adina (Jeanne Sakata) to investigate a large bag of cash dropped off at the church for a fundraiser for a sick girl, Sierra (Isabella Cuda).

The money ties into a ripoff for a crime boss whose people are the very same ones that are currently in the animal hospital. That’s a little too convenient, tying all the narratives together like that, but seeing as the show doesn’t do that very often, I’m inclined to at least let it slide this time.

Unless it starts happening on the regular.

There’s some fun stuff, Jin gets to be a bit of a hero, and once again, the supporting characters, not just Magnum and Higgins get their moments to shine. It’s far from my favourite episode of the season, but the character work is nice (the talent show is fun!), and of course, lovely Hawaii.

Angels Sometimes Kill was written by Mike Diaz, and debuted on 21 January, 2022.

T.C. (Stephen Hill) is trying to get Cade (Martin Martinez) to go back to school, but that’s not going to be so easy. Rick is excited about the news Suzy gave him about the pregnancy, and Higgins signs the estate back over to Robin Masters aided by some support from MI6.

Cade’s life gets complicated because T.C. goes to Katsumoto (Tim Kang) for advice, and when the police officer learns where Cade is staying he has to report it to Child Protection Services. What will happen with Cade? Rick comes up with an idea that may pay off, however.

Shammy (Christopher Thornton) comes to Magnum and Higgins to find a missing homeless vet who is a friend of his. As they investigate, they discover that Shammy’s friend was intentionally targeted and killed by a hit-and-run as part of an insurance scam.

And Magnum and Lia (Chantal Thuy) call it quits following the revelations about her family a couple of episodes back, and that will clear the field for both Higgins and Magnum for…?

There’s more Thursday when I watch more of Magnum P.I. – The Complete Series on DVD, available now from Paramount Canada. Aloha!

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