Avatar: The Last Airbender – Book 2: Earth (2006) – The Earth King, The Guru, and The Crossroads of Destiny

The group is reunited with Appa, and Aang (Zach Tyler Eisen) is now determined to get to the Earth King (Phil LaMarr) and explain the upcoming eclipse that will temporarily disable the Fire Nation, and reveal the truth about his kingdom of Ba Sing Se. This will lead them into direct conflict with Long Feng (Clancy Brown) and the Dai Li.

The Earth King was written by John O’Bryan and first aired on 17 November, 2006.

As Aang and the rest attempt to prove their case to the Earth King, they have to show the king his own kingdom, something he’s never seen, having been sequestered in the palace for years. Through it all Long Feng attempts to lie and manipulate the king every step of the way, until he realizes that Long Feng is a traitor.

Arresting Feng, they discover files on everyone, and information about the movement of troops around Ba Sing Se, including a water tribe navy led by Katara (Mae Whitman) and Sokka’s (Jack De Sena) father. Toph (Micheala Kill Murphy) learns her mother is in the city, and Aang learns about the Guru Pathik (Brian George) at the Eastern Air Temple.

The group is going to have to split up to bring their plans together. But things aren’t going to go smoothly as Long Feng has plans, Toph is betrayed and trapped, Azula (Grey Griffin) and her friends are disguised as Suki and her Kyoshi warriors, and it’s all racing to a climactic conclusion.

A fast-paced tale, with lots of action beats, the episode still has time for Zuko (Dante Basco) to have a bit of a crisis when he falls ill and has a number of strange dreams featuring strange imagery and dragons featuring the voice of his sister, Azula and Iroh (Mako). Zuko will have to decide who he is, and who he wants to be.

The final two episodes of the season, The Guru and Crossroads of Destiny aired back to back on 1 December, 2006.

The penultimate episode, The Guru, was written by series creators Micheal Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko.

Zuko seems recovered from his illness and may be seeing things in a new way, as Sokka arrives at the water tribe seeking his father, and Aang travels to meet with Guru Pathik.

In disguise, Azula is able to get close to the Earth King, as Katara involves herself with the tactical planning to move against the Fire Nation. Azula reveals her plans, now that they are on the inside. She seeks to seize control of the Dai Li and from there Ba Sing Se.

Toph is being taken back to her family by the bounty hunters who went looking for her.

Aang learns about chakras which will let him open himself to the Avatar state. But that means he will have to confront his fears, his guilt, shame, grief, attachment and self-deception. If he can come to terms with these things, if he can accept them and move on, he may be able to open himself up to the power inside him. But his love for Katara may keep him from completing his training as he goes to rescue her.

Katara discovers that Zuko and Iroh are in town, running a new tea shop… what does that mean for her? for Zuko? for the coming conflict? But when she passes on the info to Azula, she is captured as well.

So many narrative threads throughout this episode as there is so much going on. Damn, this show just gets better and better. The next battle is about to begin.

The Crossroads of Destiny was written by Aaron Ehasz and keeps things going to the last minute as everyone once again converges on Ba Sing Se.

Azula is forging a unity with Long Feng. They have invited Zuko and Iroh to the kingdom under the pretense of serving tea, but things aren’t going to go as planned, and Zuko will have to make a terrible choice.

Aang reunites with Sokka and Toph (who managed her own escape) and races to Ba Sing Se to rescue Katara, but he lies about mastering the Avatar state. Iroh comes to the trio for help after revealing that Zuko has been captured and is imprisoned with Katara.

Things are going to go roughly, there will be fights, betrayals, incredible and troubling choices, and a battle that may take its toll on our heroes. What an absolutely stunning season finale, and it sets up things for what comes next.

So many powerful moments in this one, that shows how much we’ve grown to care for these characters and the world they inhabit.

Next time, I dig into the third and final season of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I explore more of The Complete Series on Blu-ray next time. Check it out from Paramount Canada.

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