Avatar: The Last Airbender – Book 2: Earth (2006) – The Library, and The Desert

The Library was written by John O’Bryan and first debuted on 14 July, 2006. The group has decided on a quick break, though Aang (Zach Tyler Eisen) is still studying hard with Katara (Mae Whitman) and Toph (Micheala Jill Murphy).

When their mini-vacations don’t play out as planned, Sokka (Jack De Sena) urges the group to seek out a famed, lost library a wandering professor, Zei (Raphael Sbarge) has been searching for. This library is rumoured to have knowledge from all over the world. Sokka believes that there may be information there that may lead to discovering a weakness in the Fire Nation, something that the Avatar can exploit.

Flying on Appa the sky-bison, they scour the desert, eventually discovering a single spire, the rest of it buried in the sands. The interior is stunning and filled with owl iconography, and a giant owl spirit librarian, Wan Shi Tong (Hector Elizondo), who is less than happy to have humans there.

Unfortunately, it seems the Fire Nation has destroyed all the information about themselves in the library, but a fox spirit leads them deeper to a planetarium that illustrates an eclipse that diminishes the power of the Fire Nation.

Is this information they can use? When is the next eclipse? Will it be enough to stop the Fire Nation? And will they be able to escape the library and Wan Shi Tong with their knowledge and get back to Ba Sing Se?

Wan Shi Tong takes his library back, sinking it into the sands, and leaving Aang and his friends lost in the desert without Appa who was kidnapped by desert pirates.

The Desert was written by Tim Hedrick and first aired on 14 July, 2006. The gang is lost in the desert and trying to find a way out having escaped the sinking library, and find Appa. Aang is furious with Toph and goes off on his own to find Appa, while the other three with Momo, search for a way out of the desert with the information they have about the eclipse.

This is exacerbated by the fact that Sokka has taken a drink from cactus water that has some hallucinogenic properties.

Reunited with Aang by still missing Appa, they use star charts to help them out of the desert, but tension in the group is high until they find a sand-sailer which eventually leads them to a rock outcropping and more trouble. And a lead on Appa who was sold to traders going to Ba Sing Se

Meanwhile, Zuko (Dante Basco) and Iroh (Mako) find themselves brushing violently against some old friends who are hunting them, but that inspires Iroh to seek out a secret organization that may be able to help them in their quest. They also run into the hunters sent out by Toph’s parents to bring her home.

And it seems everyone plans on converging on Ba Sing Se…

Aang’s quest continues next week with a two-part episode that was aired as an hour-long episode as I explore more of Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Complete Series on Blu-ray available now from Paramount Canada.

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