Star Trek: Picard (2023) – Imposters, and The Bounty

Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the Titan may have gotten away from Vadic (Amanda Plummer) and the Shrike, but their troubles may only be starting in Imposters, as Jack’s (Ed Speelers) visions become stronger and increasingly violent. Written by Cindy Appel and Christopher B. Derrick, this episode debuted on 16 March, 2023.

Riker (Jonathan Frakes) returns command to Shaw (Todd Stashwick) who informs the pair that Starfleet is coming to conduct an investigation, and the person leading it packs a powerful emotional punch.

Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes).

While Picard and Ro verbally fence from positions of pain, Raffi (Michelle Hurd) and Worf (Micheal Dorn) continue their investigation to find a way into the Daystrom Institute. Something that leads them to a Vulcan gangster, Krinn (Kirk Acevedo), and a duel to the death.

Ro reveals that the Changeling problem aboard Titan is not unique, and that there is more going on here, and a huge attack may be planned for Frontier Day.

In a series of powerful moments, Ro and Picard make amends and she warns Picard to run. Shaw is furious to learn that they have to run, and that Starfleet has been compromised, but he takes the command chair to elude the Intrepid after Ro makes a powerful, heartbreaking sacrifice.

And in a fun twist, we learn that Ro Laren was Worf’s handler, tying all the strings together, and uniting our team as they prepare to infiltrate Daystrom.

And Beverly (Gates McFadden) realizes that there is something really wrong with Jack…

I love that the Ro story got this emotional ending, it was something that has hung with Next Gen fans since the series ended, and it’s done beautifully, but still moves the characters and narrative forward.

Fantastic episode!

The Bounty first aired on 23 March, 2023 and was written by Christopher Monfette.

The Titan is on the run, leaving beacons around a number of systems to throw false trails for their pursuers, but Vadic isn’t giving up quite so easily even as the Changelings in Starfleet continue their own hunt as well.

Crusher discovers that Jack has the same disease that Picard had, irumodic syndrome.

Picard plans on breaking into Daystrom to learn what the Changelings are up to, and they are joined by more familiar friends as Raffi and Worf join the crew. What is the best way to get into the institute? Worf and Raffi have a key created by Krinn and Riker, Worf and Raffi head into the Institute and make a series of discoveries, both delightful easter eggs, and more, finally discovering another Soong android (Brent Spiner), a combination of Data, Lore, B4 and Lal.

But Starfleet shows up at the Institute forcing Picard and the Titan to run, leaving the trio on the Institute, while Picard, Shaw and Seven (Jeri Ryan) come up with a plan to sneak back and get them out.

They need something that would render them invisible. Like a cloaking device. And where would they find that? The Fleet Museum (also filled with easter eggs), and guess who runs it?

Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton).

The addition of La Forge back to the Next Gen family also allows for an introduction of more family problems with his daughters, Titan’s helm officer Sidney (Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut) and his aide, Alandria (Mica Burton). This leads to some nice interplay between Jack and Sidney as they steal the cloaking device from The Bounty and install it in the Titan – which delivers Picard and Geordi a great moment. In fact, there are some nice family moments for all the parents and their children.

The Titan comes to rescue the away team, but Riker is captured during the escape and is now in the hands of Vadic, who reveals they already have a prisoner, Deanna (Marina Sirtis). When Data gets activated on the Titan, the personalities begin the struggle for control as they try to discover what was stolen from Daystrom – Jean-Luc’s body.

We’re over the halfway mark, and things are ramping up. This rewatch is so enjoyable, and I am loving every moment of my exploration of The Picard Legacy Collection, a limited edition boxed set available now from Paramount Canada.

Boldly go.

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