Family Ties (1984) – 4 Rms Ocn Vu, Best Man, and Lost Weekend

Alex (Micheal J. Fox) turns into a hotelier in 4 Rms Ocn Vu. Written by Marc Lawrence and Alan Uger this episode first aired on 8 November, 1984.

Steven (Micheal Gross) and Elyse (Meredith Baxter) are away for the weekend, and Alex has a date with Monica so he banishes Mallory (Justine Bateman) and Jennifer (Tina Yothers) from the house. Mallory promptly crashes the car, which she’s not supposed to be driving, and the young Keatons have to come up with a plan to figure out how to raise enough money to pay for the repairs.

Happily, there’s a big Leland university sports event taking place in town so Alex comes up with he plan of renting out the house’s bedrooms for the weekend. And then the guests start to arrive including the Barkers, Ed (Earl Boen) and son, Dougie (Jeff Cohen).

Things take a turn for the worse when Steven comes home early to discover what’s going on and has to deal with his disappointment and shock. The episode features some great comedy, and Fox, Bateman, Yothers, and Marc Price as Skippy all have some hilarious moments.

It’s funny, it’s a classic, it has a kangaroo, and Fox is on fire in this episode.

Timothy Busfield is back as Doug, and he’s getting married and hopes Alex will be his Best Man. Written by Uger, the episode was first broadcast on 15 November, 1984.

Watch for brief appearance by Billy Campbell and Tate Donovan!

Alex is bothered that Doug is spending too much time with his girlfriend, Eleanor (Lily Mariye). Doug brings Eleanor to things that just used to be for Alex and Doug, and it slowly gets under Alex’s skin. But Alex gets even more upset when he hears they are going to get married.

As Doug spends less and less time with him, Alex tries to latch on to his family, finding something to do, someone to bond with, anything to keep him busy. And while the wedding continues to go ahead, and the rest of the Keatons are going, Alex refuses to even attend, and won’t be his best man.

Alex is afraid of losing his best friend, but Eleanor comes to plead the couple’s case, and Alex understands how much Eleanor and Doug care for one another just as he cares for Doug, and that it won’t end their friendship, it will simply change it.

Of course, Alex doesn’t realize that until the end of the episode, and shows up just as the wedding begins, the pals have a chat in the aisle and then Alex stands with his friend as he takes the next step on his life’s journey. It’s a nice moment.

Meredith Baxter is back in this episode and the Keaton pregnancy continues!

Lost Weekend first aired on 22 November, 1984 and was written by Micheal J. Weithorn and Ruth Bennett.

Steven and Elyse are planning a weekend of connecting with their kids before the baby is born. Steven and Alex are going to stay at home, while Elyse, Mallory and Jennifer head to a rented cabin to reminisce about times past, and talk about things before things get too busy with the arrival of the baby.

Things don’t go as planned, Alex gets invited out on a date which puts the kibosh on he and Steven connecting while Mallory and Jennifer don’t want to be cooped up in a cabin looking at old photo albums with their mother.

The weekend plans are called off, and the household is reunited, but both Steven and Elyse are upset that things didn’t go the way they had planned. But as the evening rolls on, the family is reunited and they all connect with one another, not according to plan, but just because of who they are.

They’ll be fine when the baby is born.

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