Batman (1966) – Green Ice, and Deep Freeze

We are introduced to a new Mr. Freeze (Otto Preminger) in this week’s story which was written by Max Hodge. The first part, Green Ice, debuted on 9 November, 1966. But the most interesting thing to watch is Burt Ward as Robin. His right arm spends most of the two part-story in a bandage having suffered burns on set (safety wasn’t as big a concern then) and he spends most of the story trying to hide his right arm with his cape or behind his back, but it’s very noticeable.

Freeze is in Gotham City and plans to permanently discredit Batman (Adam West) and Robin, as well as kidnap Miss Iceland (Dee Hartford) from a local beauty pageant. He frames the Caped Crusaders by making it look like they take bribes and even has his own thugs dress up as the Dynamic Duo, though why Gordon (Neil Hamilton) and O’Hara (Stafford Repp) can’t tell that these baddies aren’t Gotham’s heroes is a little off.

The Caped Crusaders’ alter egos, Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson, have their social calendars to upkeep, and a party they host draws the attention of Freeze, who uses the opportunity to rob everyone there and freeze them in a wading pool until Alfred (Alan Napier) is able to defrost them all.

Now, our heroes are determined to bring Freeze to justice and start tracking down possible hideouts (they have to be very cold). He’s holding Miss Iceland there, slowly working on lowering her body temperature, convinced he can make her fall in love with him.

Through all of this, public opinion is turning against Batman and Robin, so will anyone even care when they end up caught by Freeze, and are about to be turned into slushies as we race towards the episode’s cliffhanger.

Deep Freeze aired the following night on 10 November, 1966.

With some clever thinking, the Dynamic Duo are able to escape Freeze’s trap and hideout safely, but as everyone in Gotham, even Gordon, seems to be turning against them, they think about hanging up their cowls and capes for good. Heck, even the good kids of Gotham hate Batman and Robin, and that hurts Bats more than anything.

Even with Batman and Robin out of the picture, Freeze is still working Gotham over, intent on getting everything he wants. And now, he’s laid out his final threat, the city has to hand over one billion dollars or he will turn Gotham into a permanent winter wonderland.

Batman and Robin return to the battle, and not only are they able to vanquish Freeze, but they are able to clear their names before episode’s end so we see that all of Gotham, especially the children are happy to have their heroes restored.

This was a fun story, not sure I’m a big Preminger fan, but I do like the angle of turning the citizens against Batman. I mean, no matter how they dress it up, and how Batman and Robin talk about civic responsibility and the like, they are still vigilantes.

It’s a weird line the pair walk, but man am I loving this series.

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